In case of electric malfunction or if you want to simply refurbish your electrical installation - - we are waiting for your call.
Training for master electricians
Master electricians go through extensive on-site and classroom training, with work in more formal settings such as schools or colleges. The designation "master" is only given to electricians who can display extensive job knowledge and are tested to have an extensive understanding of the electrical safety code.
There are no formal certifications of the "theatrical title, master electrician", as there are in some of the more mainstream trades, but in March 2003 ESTA, which merged with PLASA in 2010, developed a certification process. Those who pass this rigorous test will become ETCP Certified Entertainment Electricians - and will be recognized as the industry's best. The stagehands union, IATSE, come close in that they offer apprentice and journeyman levels of certification. In the future, IATSE, or some of the larger local affiliations may form a more formal method of certification, which may include the title of master electrician. In the meantime, almost every production, from high school shows to Broadway uses the term to describe their primary electrician, regardless of their skill level or experience.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_electrician
Advertising among electricians
Typically, electricians do not have a large enough income to commission the creation of professional advertising spots. It is also unnecessary, since the most common electrical services are provided within the city, or other specific area. Many electricians use, but with all sorts of advertising opportunities. Currently, in addition to placing the appropriate printing on trucks, which move electricians, it is also popular free opportunity to advertise their services by setting up a website which deals with the activities of electricity. Then people seeking advice in this regard natrafiwszy on such a site would be happy to benefit from the services of a particular electrician.
The problem of sudden failure - where to look for an electrician?
Very often, when a sudden accident involving electricity we want to find a quick solution to the problem. If you then use a computer or other mobile device that can operate without being connected to the power supply, we can find help on the Internet. Many electricians announces via the Internet and we can do there a real understanding among offers electrical services. It turns out that thanks to the virtual network, you can often find cheaper electrical services in the vicinity than using, for example, with the help of neighbors in this regard. On the other hand, cheaper does not mean better, and looking for an electrician on the Internet need to be careful.